The church exists to glorify God. We at Western Avenue Baptist Church believe we do this as we...
Love God – By making much of Him in our worship and daily lives
Love Others – By encouraging them in their Christian walk, holding them accountable to God's Word, and growing together in His service
Serve the World – By pointing them to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
We have adopted as a reasonable expression of our faith THE BAPTIST FAITH AND MESSAGE, published June 14, 2000 and available HERE.
This confession of faith gives us a concise statement of biblical doctrine. In no way is it equal to the infallible authority of the Word of God. Nevertheless, it is an assistance to us in controversy, a confirmation in faith, and a means of edification in righteousness.
Beyond the Baptist Faith and Message, there are several distinctives you will find at WABC:
Elder Led - We believe that the proper Biblical model for church leadership is a plurality of Elders. Our Elders seek to lead us as they focus on teaching and prayer.
Family Focused - We believe that God has called men to lead their homes. To encourage this leadership, we seek to keep families together in our gatherings. We reject the modern church model of separating children and youth from the church at large.
Generational Unity - We strive to
Sphere Sovereignty - We believe God has instituted three governments in His word: The family, the church, and the civil magistrate. We believe these three institutions have three distinct areas of responsibility. The family is charged with health, safety, and education; the church is charged with administering the Word and the ordinances, and the civil magistrate is charged with rewarding righteousness and punishing wickedness. We recognize that overlap in these areas does occur, and in those times we look to the Bible to instruct us on how those overlaps should be handled. At all times, we believe the church is to be the prophetic voice of God to the family and civil magistrate, instructing these governments on what God's word says.