What to Expect at Western Avenue
Service: Sundays @Â 10:30am
What will the Worship Service be like?
At Western Avenue, we strive to keep things very simple. It’s relaxed but focused. We don’t need to be flashy or put on big productions for people to meet God. We believe that Jesus is enough. Here’s what you can expect during a typical worship gathering:
We believe that the Bible is God's inerrant word to us. Because of this, scripture plays a central role in our gathering. Throughout the service, our Elders will lead us in reading multiple scripture passages. We use the English Standard Version from the pulpit.
During the service, our worship team will lead us in a number of songs. We strive to balance new music with some of the great hymns of our faith. As we sing our focus is not on ourselves or the people around us, but lifting high the name of Jesus. So no matter what kind of voice you have, sing out with all of your heart.
Catechism & Confessions
We believe that catechisms and confessions are a great way to help us understand Biblical truths. Each Sunday, our Elders will lead us as we look at questions from Benjamin Keach's Catechism or areas of the Second London Baptist Confession.
We believe that the Bible is God’s gift to us to show us who He is and what He’s done for us. We teach straight from the Bible, and look to show what God has said in His word and how that should impact our lives. If you don’t have a copy of the Bible with you, we have copies in each pew – feel free to use one of ours. If you don’t own your own Bible, please take one of ours home as our gift to you.
One of the greatest privileges we have as followers of Jesus is being able to pray with boldness and confidence. We’ll pray together throughout our time, and if you would like to have someone pray for you, our elders would love the opportunity to do so.
If you are our guest, please do not feel obligated to give anything financially. Your presence with us is gift enough. If you do wish to contribute financially, there is an offering plate at the back of sanctuary as you leave.
What kind of people make up Western Avenue?
We hope that you'll find we are a welcoming group of people that love God and love each other. We are by no means perfect, but we strive to live for God through the power of the Holy Spirit. Our people span all ages and backgrounds. Everyone is welcome.
What about my kids?
Western Avenue is a family-friendly environment. We believe that children are a blessing from God and are a vital part of every local church. We believe children are a part of the entire church family, and because of this families are encouraged to worship together. During the service, we will have a special time for the kids to spend a few minutes up front with Bro. Jeremiah. We know that having kids in worship with us brings some extra “kid noise”, and we are fine with that. We love having families with kids of all ages worshiping together with us! We do have a nursery for babies - 2 years old available if needed.
What should I wear?
Most of us we'll be dressed in casual or business casual. You’re welcome to wear whatever you’d like. There is no set dress code, just be you.